Today's Opening Hours25 March 2025
City of Albany
COA advised due to ongoing dry conditions the PROHIBITED burning period for the SW Sector brigade areas has been extended until midnight Friday 28th March 2025.
As part of the City of Albany’s 2024/2025 capital works programme, a concrete footpath will be constructed on Seymour Street (from Collingwood Road to Nelson Street), Nelson Street (from Seymour Street to Wakefield Crescent) and Wakefield Crescent (from Nelson Street to McLeod Street).
City of Albany crews are working hard to tackle the clean-up following last night’s heavy rainfall and flooding. Our priority is addressing hazardous damage and making affected areas safe for the community.
The City of Albany advises that work to replace the existing asphalt surfacing on Angove/Campbell Road Roundabout is due to be undertaken outside of normal working hours.
The City of Albany advises that work to replace the existing asphalt surfacing on North Road, between Barnesby Drive and Lockyer Avenue is due to be undertaken outside of normal working hours.
As part of the City of Albany’s 2024/2025 capital works programme, the existing asphalt surface on sections of Collingwood Road will be replaced.
The City of Albany proposes to lease portion of Crown Reserve 22698, Emu Point to RAC Tourism Assets Pty Ltd for a consideration of $115,000 plus GST per annum in accordance with market valuation dated 21 February 2025.
To improve safety for all road users, Main Roads will soon introduce an AREA 40km/h speed limit across the broader Albany CBD. The proposed changes are set to be implemented in mid-April.
Submit your story! Albany Song Story invites Albany's senior residents to share personal memories connected to cherished songs, which will be brought to life by local choirs, community groups, and schools.
Environmental Protection Act 1986 and Part 2, Division 3 of the Environmental Protection (Noise) Regulations 1997. The City of Albany is inviting residents, stakeholders and community for feedback on the draft Noise Management Plan (NMP) for the Albany Motorsport Park on Down Road, Drome.
Geophysical Transects & Cone Penetration Testing
A bridge closure is currently planned from 6 January 2025 to late March 2025.
The City of Albany advises that the following permanent change to trading hours has been approved by Hon. Sue Ellery MLC, Minister for Finance; Commerce; Women’s Interests through the Retail Trading Hours (City of Albany) Variation Order 2024, and will take effect from 1 February 2025.
As part of the City of Albany’s 2024/2025 capital works program, a concrete footpath will be constructed from Humphreys Street to Hanrahan Road, via Clifton Street, Admiral Street, Banks Street, Lambert Street and Menzies Street.
As part of the 2024/2025 capital works program, City of Albany will be undertaking reconstruction works on Middleton Road, from Adelaide Crescent / Lake Seppings Drive to Flinders Parade.
Planning and Development Act 2005
The City of Albany proposes to enter into a replacement lease over portion of Crown Reserve 26149, Middleton Beach to DK Hospitality #2 Pty Ltd, trading as Three Anchors for a consideration of $105,000 ex GST per annum in accordance with market valuation dated 19 August 2024.
Notice is hereby given that the City of Albany, in accordance with Division 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, has revoked the following Local Planning Policies, following the gazettal of the Local Planning Scheme No.2 (LPS2).
Water Corporation is replacing a wastewater pressure main to reduce future leaks and breaks.
Please be advised that works are to begin on Stage 1 of the Regional Tennis Centre, with the construction of 6 courts.
Construction has commenced on the redevelopment of the Albany Surf Life Saving Club and the Public Amenities refurbishment. There will be some carpark closures and pedestrian detours. Access to the Surf Club and the Public Toilets is strictly prohibited during construction. Contractors will endeavor to keep disruptions to a minimum and would appreciate your co-operation with working on sit staff.
The Lotteries House Management Committee has one office space available for lease at Albany Lotteries House on North Road for a period of up to 3 years.
Local Planning Policy 1.9: Waste Management Public Notice
Airservices Australia is implementing a new instrument approach procedure for aircraft arriving onto Runway 32 to improve the reliability of aircraft operations into Albany Airport in all weather conditions.