Community Development Strategy
The City of Albany adopted a new Community Development Strategy in March 2020.
The Strategy has three focus areas, including:
- Vibrant, inclusive and connected neighbourhoods
- Strong, thriving community groups
- Places, people and spaces
A copy of the strategy can be downloaded below.
Community Development Strategy
If you have any questions or queries about the new strategy, please contact the Community Development Team on 6820 3023 or by emailing [email protected]
Albany Community Directory
The directory provides up-to-date information for community organisations that provide services and a search tool to find community groups, schools, parks etc.
You can download a copy of the City's Community Directory by visiting: Albany Community Directory and clicking on the 'Albany Community Directory' on the left hand side or search the directory below:
You can use this search tool to find community groups, schools, parks etc.
Alternatively, you can download the free Access My Community App through the App Store or Google Play Store.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities
Approximately 6 percent of the City's population came from countries where English was not their first language, and approximately 5 percent currently speak a language other than English in their home. The predominant language spoken at home other than English is Filipino/Tagalog, with around 380 people speaking this language in their homes. Other languages spoken in the home other than English include Italian, Afrikaans, and Dutch.
Great Southern Migrant Services assists people who have arrived from another country within the last five years, under humanitarian or refugee visas. The service is a part of the Rainbow Coast Neighbourhood Centre. It offers advocacy, practical assistance, information, counselling, programs, activities, and links to other community networks and referral services relating to domestic and social issues arising out of the settlement experience. Click below for more information, including contact details.
Great Southern Migrant Services
Harmony Week
March 21 is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, marking the anniversary of the Sharpeville massacre, which took place on this day in 1960.
Harmony Week is celebrated each year in the week leading up to 21 March and is designed to raise awareness of multiculturalism, promote greater understanding in our community and communicate the message of saying no to racism and discrimination and reflect on and celebrate the many cultures that comprise our community.
Stay tuned for the City's Harmony Week activities planned for 2024.
Community Capacity Building Program
The City of Albany supports community groups and organisations by providing a program of capacity building workshops throughout the year.
The workshops vary depending on the needs of the community groups - past workshops have included grant funding, volunteer management, and accessible clubs.
For information on any future workshops, contact the Community Development Team on 6820 3023.
Indigenous Services
Aboriginal peoples of the South West Region of Western Australia are known as Noongar peoples. The territory around Albany is the traditional country of the Menang (spelt Meananger by Nind in 1831). Aboriginal occupation of the South West Region of WA has been dated to more than 50,000 years.
The Albany Aboriginal Accord represents a statement of commitment to working with the Aboriginal people of Albany to promote a greater understanding throughout the community of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples' history and culture. The Accord is between the City of Albany, the People of Albany, and the Aboriginal Community of Albany.
City of Albany Aboriginal Accord Policy
Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Albany community and contribute countless hours of unpaid work in a wide range of agencies and organisations. There are also many organisations, clubs, and associations in Albany that are made up of volunteers. Many of these groups own, manage or operate community facilities and others are established to promote a wide range of specific interests. The Albany and Regional Volunteer Service was established to help these groups to recruit, train and better manage volunteers throughout the community.
Meetup Albany

Meetup is all about bringing people together offline and creating genuine connections through shared interests. It can link you to existing local events and even gives you a platform to share your passions and host your own.
Perhaps you’re a keen chess player, hold the secret to the perfectly baked flan or know another language? Why not share your passions and become a Meetup Albany host?
Or maybe you just want to meet new people and have a chat over a simple cup of coffee. Meetup can help with that too!
Volunteer 'hosts' coordinate and manage meetups using the platform.
To check out the Meetup Albany calendar visit Meetup Albany or view our How to Join instructions below.
Neighbour Day
"Loneliness is a serious but preventable issue affecting a significant proportion of our community. One in four Australians aged 12 to 89 feel lonely three or more days a week. While it is normal to feel lonely from time to time, when loneliness persists, it can have detrimental impacts on our wellbeing, health, productivity, and functioning in daily life. Research shows loneliness is associated with a 26% greater risk of premature mortality, a 29% increase in the incidence of coronary heart disease, a 32% increase in the risk of stroke, and higher rates of cognitive decline and mental illness. Additionally, people with chronic loneliness are 17 times more likely to have made a suicide attempt in the past 12 months." - Relationships Australia
As a ‘Very Neighbourly Organisation’, the City of Albany invites every resident to get to know their neighbours. Neighbour Day falls on the last Sunday of March each year but can be celebrated at any time.
Neighbour Day encourages people to build better relationships with those around them, especially the elderly and the vulnerable.
The theme for Neighbours Every Day is ‘Create Belonging | Share Belonging’ – a call to action to everyone (individuals, community groups, businesses and governments) to take everyday actions that create social connection and foster respectful relationships.
Catching up with your neighbours over a cuppa, a BBQ in the local park, a pot-luck supper, or even simply getting to know your neighbours will help ease loneliness, isolation, and depression for you and your neighbours. A neighbour is no longer necessarily defined by location alone and can be someone in your street, the wider community, your workplace, or online. Neighbours are those in our geographical and selected communities who show they care and perhaps offer a hand when we need it most.
The City of Albany provides free Neighbour Day resources (subject to availability) for registered events/activities which includes:
- Cricket Wicket Wheelie Bin Sticker.
- Use of an activity bag (limited number available).
- Community Groups and not for profits can apply for $100 towards the costs of their event.
- Individuals can apply for a $50 voucher towards food for their event.
Please submit your application at least 2 weeks prior to your event.
Find out more on the Relationships Australia website.