Getting Around By Bus
Albany has daily bus services to and from Perth. Bus routes are also available around Albany, click on the headings below for more information.
Albany to Perth bus services run by Transwa
Transwa operates daily coach passenger services to Albany from Perth. The destination point is the Railway Station, Proudlove Parade, Albany. Timetables
A coach drive from Perth to Albany takes about six hours via Williams, Gnowangerup or Bunbury. Timetables for GS1, GS2 and GS3 are available on the Transwa website.
Bookings can be made by phoning 1300 662 205 or by visiting the Transwa website.
Getting around Albany by bus
TransAlbany Timetables
Regional Fares Schedule
Albany Bus Timetables
Albany Bus Timetable 2
803 - Circular Service to Albany via Middleton Beach & Emu Point
804 - Circular Service to Albany via Bayonet Head, Spencer Park & Lower King
805 - Circular Service to Albany via Little Grove
Albany Bus Timetable 1
806 - Circular Service to Albany via Yakamia and Milpara
807 - Circular Service to Albany via Spencer Park
808 - Circular Service to Albany via Lockyer and McKail
Transregional Services and Information
To purchase a SmartRider please visit Swan Transit Albany between 9am-3pm weekdays. Their Office located at 7 Barker Rd, Centennial Park, or call them on (08) 9842 2888. For more information about SmartRiders please visit the Transperth website or phone the InfoLine on 13 62 13
School Buses
Catching the school bus is a great way to reduce parking congestion around the school, provides a safe way for children to get to school, and helps to support kids to be independent. Please see the Map below to see which buses are operating near your place, and lets you know who to contact to find out more.
If your live within the Green zone on the you can access the Green TransAlbany School Buses. Timetables can be found here. More information can be found on the Public Transport Authority website.
if your property is outside the Green zone on the map below you may be eligible to access the Orange school buses. To find out more information visit the School Bus Services website for more information.