What is a DAP?
A Development Assessment Panel (DAP) is an independent decision-making body comprised of technical experts and elected local government representatives.
Under the Planning & Development (Development Assessment Panels) Regulations 2011 (DAP Regulations), each DAP will determine certain development applications as if they were the responsible authority. DAP's are only decision-making bodies. As such, the local government will be responsible for undertaking an assessment of the proposal, including any public advertising if required and the preparation of a report for the DAP's consideration.

Each DAP consists of five panel members, two local government councillors and three specialist members.
Regional Joint Development Assessment Panels (JDAP)
Joint Development Assessment Panels (JDAPs) are established to service two or more local governments.
The City of Albany is a part of the JDAP which covers the local government areas of Albany, Broomehill, Tambellup, Cranbrook, Denmark, Gnowangerup, Jerramungup, Katanning, Kent, Kojonup, Plantagenet and Woodanilling. For information on Agenda and Minutes for the Regional JDAP click here.
Making a presentation to the DAP
To make a presentation to the DAP, complete the DAP application located on the Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage website linked below.
Applications and information
Does my application need to be determined by a DAP?
Your application for development is a DAP application if it falls into one of the following two categories:
- Mandatory DAP applications - where the value of the development is $10 million or more and not considered an ‘excluded development application’.
- Opt-in DAP Applications - the applicant has chosen to have their application determined by a DAP. Opt-in DAP Applications are for those applications where the value is $2 million or more and less than $10 million and are not considered an ‘excluded development application’.
Excluded development application
As per the DAP Regulations an 'Excluded Development Application' is defined as an application for approval of:
a) Construction of:
- A single house and any associated carport, patio, outbuilding and incidental development;
- Less than 10 grouped dwellings and any associated carport, patio, outbuilding and incidental development;
- Less than 10 multiple dwellings and any associated carport, patio, outbuilding and incidental development; OR
b) Development in an improvement scheme area; OR
c) Development by a local government or the WAPC; OR
d) Development in a district for which:
- A DAP is not established at the time the application is made; OR
- A DAP has been established for less than 60 days at the time the application is made.
Legislation and planning bulletins
DAP Process
For more information on Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) and the process, visit the Department of Planning, Lands & Heritage Website or contact Planning Services on: (08) 6551 9919.
Current DAP Applications
Upcoming DAP Applications:
Current DAP applications and information
These links are to the Department of Planning, Land and Heritage website. The City does not take responsibility for the content made available on the DAP website, including information that is uploaded as part of the Agendas and Minutes.
JDAP Agendas and Minutes
The Regional Joint Development Assessment Panel agendas and minutes can be viewed from the Development Assessment Panels website.
DAPs agendas and minutes
For further information please contact the City on 6820 3000 or visit the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
This is a link to the Agendas and Minutes page of the DAP website only. The City does not take responsibility for the content made available on the DAP website, including information that is uploaded as part of the Agendas and Minutes.
Past DAP Applications:
- DAP/21/02061/P2210340 (Form 1) - Industry - General (Temporary (Mobile) Concrete Batching Plant & Replacement/Upgrade of Existing Concrete Batching Plant)
Regional Joint Development Assessment Panel - Meeting No. 34 - 19 November 2021 - Minutes