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Parking in the CBD
The time allowed for parking varies significantly between locations throughout the CBD. Please read and take note of parking signs that apply to where you intend to park.
For more information on time limits and locations of where to park, please click on the link below:
Common Parking Problems
We want to ensure the safety of all drivers and pedestrians within the City. Some of the most common parking problems encountered include:
Parking on a footpath
It’s an offence to park any part of your vehicle on or over a footpath, this includes where a footpath intersects or crosses a driveway.
Parking in bays set aside for People with a Disability (ACROD bays)
These bays are easily identified with signage and bay markings.
Please ensure ACROD permits are displayed clearly in your vehicle to avoid penalty. Parking in these bays without the required permit carries a penalty up to $5,000.
If you are involved in a medical emergency and are penalised for parking in an ACROD bay without a permit, you will need to supply an official letter from the hospital or treating doctor confirming that you were involved in a medical emergency at the time the fine was issued.
For more information, visit the ACROD parking Program website.
Yellow lines on the road edge
Yellow edge lines on a road indicate that no parking or stopping of any kind is allowed at the location.
Long vehicle parking
The City has a designated area for long vehicle or trailer parking located within in the CBD at the Visitors Centre (in front of the Town Square) on York Street.
In other parts of Albany, such as Emu Point, long vehicles are permitted to occupy 2 bays when parking.
Did you know? Parking on the verge of a property is not allowed without the express permission of the landowner or occupier.

School parking
The City has worked closely with local schools to encourage students to walk, cycle or catch the bus to school:
- Wondering about which school bus routes would work for you? Click here for our handy School Buses Made Simple map.
- The Department of Transport’s Your Move program provides a range of excellent resources to help schools increase active transport rates with their students. For more information, click here.
- If you live too far from school to walk or ride the whole way you should consider driving park of the way and walking or riding the rest of the way to school. Check out our Park and Ride/Walk maps via the link below for some practical tips for 5 of our local schools.
Unlawful parking in school areas is a major safety hazard that poses a risk to children, pedestrians and other road users.
School Parking Management Tips
Active transport to school has a range of benefits, including keeping kids more active; reducing traffic congestion; and helping students arrive at school ready to learn. If it’s too far from home to walk or ride the whole way, why not park half way and walk or ride the rest? Many schools have their own Park and Ride/Walk Maps. For more information, visit:
To make these work effectively:
- Move forward in the zone.
- Do not leave your vehicle.
- Move out of the zone as soon as it is safe.
- If your child is not there, drive around the block and try again.
Unlawful parking within school areas is a major safety hazard that poses a risk to students, community members and other road users. The City of Albany Rangers conduct regular school parking patrols during school hours to encourage safe parking and follow up with enforcement action if required.
Remember, it is an offence to stop or park a vehicle:
- In “No Stopping” or “No Parking” areas, bus bays or disabled bays (without a permit).
- So that it obstructs a footpath or blocks a driveway.
- On a verge without the owner’s consent.
- Within 10m of an intersection or 3m of a continuous dividing line.
For more information, contact the City of Albany Rangers on 6820 3999.
Parking permits
Under certain circumstances, the City will issue parking permits for parking bays covered by the CBD Parking Scheme. Permits will generally allow for unlimited parking in a timed bay, with the exception of ACROD and authorised bays or loading zones.
Applying for a permit
To apply for a permit, please provide the following information:
- Business name
- Reason for permit application
- Time period required.
Applications can be emailed to [email protected] or PO Box 484, Albany WA 6332, marked to the attention of City Engineering.
Did you know? Permits do not allow motorists to park illegally. For example, contrary to signage, over footways or on other residents' verges without consent.