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The South Coast around Albany is internationally recognised for its biodiversity and ecological assets. This includes a range of unique and rare fauna such as the Western Ringtail Possum, Quenda (Southern Brown Bandicoot),  Carnaby’s Black-Cockatoo, Carpet Python and Western Long-necked  turtles which can often be seen in the City’s Bushland Reserves.

To assist in protecting these species people entering the reserves are encouraged to stick to defined tracks and trails and keep their dogs on a leash at all times.

The City actively manages it's reserves to preserve habitat values. Threats to habitat such as pathogens, weeds and fire are managed and monitored by the City in conjunction with other agencies such as South Coast NRM, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and community groups and consultants.

South Western Snake-Necked Turtle

Urban populations of the South Western Snake-Necked Turtle are at risk of fatality by vehicles as females’ cross roads to find nesting sites in spring. When the eggs hatch 7 months later these hatchlings face the same challenge of crossing busy Albany roads in order to make it to the safety of the nearest freshwater. 

Residents are encouraged to enter their South Western Snake-Necked Turtle sightings on the National TurtleSAT map and contribute to the protection of our native wildlife. Turtles sightings can be recorded on the TurtleSAT Map by downloading their app or using their web based map.

TurtleSAT Map
Web-based Map TurtleSAT App - Google Play TurtleSAT App - Apple App Store

Injured Wildlife

City of Albany Rangers deal with issues relating to domestic animals and their involvement with wildlife is limited. Injured Wildlife is generally the responsibility of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, who can be contacted on 9842 4500.

If you find sick, injured or orphaned wildlife, the best thing to do to increase their chances of survival is to seek advice. The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions has a key role in the protection of native animals and operates a 7am to 8:30pm, seven-day-a-week telephone referral service on 9474 9055.

If you are seeking advice on how to care for sick, injured or orphaned native wildlife, view the Wildcare Helpline page.

Do not keep wildlife without seeking expert advice as the animal may not survive.

Stranded Marine Animals

If you find a stranded, sick or injured dolphin, turtle, whale or seabird, please call the Department of Parks and Wildlife's 7am to 8:30pm, seven-day-a-week Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055.

If you find a tagged turtle or other animal, please note the number and contact your local Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

Snakes and Bees

If you find a snake in your house or garden, do not approach or aggravate it any any way. Contact the Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055 to be referred to a volunteer reptile remover. If volunteers are unavailable, there are commercial snake removal services located in Albany. Advice can also be provided by phoning the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

If a swarm of bees has settled on your property, the best course of action is to have it professionally removed. The Western Australian Apiarists Society has a list of swarm collectors on its website; alternatively licensed pest control operators are listed in the Yellow Pages or online.

Wildlife Management

The City is bound under both Federal and State government acts for the management of wildlife. Habitat values are preserved and maintained by management of threats such as weeds, pathogens, illegal access, rubbish and fire. The City regularly conducts surveys for fauna for approvals, however these reports are not public documents and are not reproduced here.

All native fauna is protected, and the taking or deliberate injury of fauna will result in penalties being applied should convictions arise.

Observing Wildlife and Fauna

Wildlife can be observed from the many observation areas managed by the City and local groups. Alternatively, there are many tour operators and tourist attractions able to assist in providing visitors with a unique wildlife experience. Further information can be obtained from the Albany Visitor Centre.

A large and diverse array of birdlife can be observed from the many bird hides and bird walks throughout the City. This includes migratory shore bird and some rare and vulnerable and endangered birds can be seen and heard as well.

Whales are generally present off the coast from June to August. Humpbacks and Southern Right whales are easily observed during this period just about anywhere along the coast. 

The City reserves play host to some very iconic species. Ring Tailed Possums and Baudin's and Carnaby's Cockatoos are easily observed close to town. further east, the Mallee Fowl, Chuditch and the Noisy Scrub Bird (particularly at Cheyne Beach) are commonly observed or heard.