Planning Overview
The City of Albany is responsible for providing a vision for the future development of Albany, as well as for assessing the planning merit of individual projects on private lots.
Development is guided not only by state legislation, policies and guidelines but also by local policies and guidelines. See our Planning Strategies for more information on how local development is guided.
On this page
Local Planning Scheme No.2 Planning Strategies Structure & Local Development Plans
Local Planning Scheme No.2
The City of Albany Local Planning Scheme 2 provides the legal framework against which individual development proposals will be considered, along with relevant policies and guidelines. The Local Planning Scheme 2 is composed of the Scheme Text and the Scheme Maps. If these indicate that you need approval for your development you will need to lodge an application and it will be assessed by one of our planning officers.
City of Albany Local Planning Scheme
Planning Strategies
Local Planning Strategy 2019
The City's new Local Planning Strategy 2019 will guide the City's progress towards its vision to be Western Australia's most sought after and unique regional city to work, live and visit. It provides strategic direction which, over the long term, will deliver a more compact city where residents will live closer to local shops, services and employment with easy access to public transport and greater ability to walk or cycle.
The Strategy comprises two parts.
- Part 1 sets out the vision and objectives for the City and provides longer term direction for the City's settlement growth through land use and development strategies.
- Part 2 contains the background information and analysis and describes the present situation in Albany in terms of its population, settlement, housing, environment and economy. It also highlights key planning implications which provide justification for the strategic direction and actions set out under Part 1.
All strategy maps are embedded within Part 1 and 2.
The Strategy was prepared in accordance with the State Planning Strategy and the Lower Great Southern Strategy.
Albany Local Planning Strategy 2019 Part 1
Albany Local Planning Strategy 2019 Part 2
Albany Local Planning Strategy 2019 Summary
State Planning Strategy and Lower Great Southern Strategy
The State Planning Strategy and Lower Great Southern Strategy can be downloaded from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage website.
Albany Central Area Masterplan
The Albany Central Area Masterplan sets out a 20 year vision for the future growth of the town centre. The Masterplan will assist in co-ordinating the revitalisation of key sites, streets and facilities, whilst at the same time maintaining, protecting and enhancing the built and natural heritage that make Albany unique.
Albany Central Area Masterplan 2010
Structure & Local Development Plans
Development and subdivision of land in the City of Albany may be subject to controls defined in Structure Plans, Activity Centre Plans or Local Development Plans.
Structure Plans, Activity Centre Plans and Local Development Plans are typically proposed by the owner of land and lodged with the City. The City is then responsible for advertising the proposal and assessing it, taking into account any submissions received during the advertising process. In the case of Structure Plans and Activity Centre Plans, Council then makes a recommendation to the Western Australian Planning Commission on whether or not the plan should be approved. The Western Australian Planning Commission makes the final determination on the plan. Council is responsible for making the final determination on whether or not a Local Development Plan should be approved.
For more detail see The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 - Refer to Schedule 2

Please note that due to recent regulatory changes, any adopted 'Outline Development Plans', 'Subdivision Guide Plans', or 'Development Guide Plans' are now referred to as Structure Plans. Similarly, plans that were formerly referred to as 'Detailed Area Plans' are now referred to as Local Development Plans.
Should you have any queries or require further information in relation to Structure Plans, Activity Centre Plans or Local Development Plans, please contact our Planning Team
Structure Plans
Structure Plans guide the subdivision and zoning of land zoned Residential, Industry, Special Residential, Rural Residential and Conservation.
A Structure Plan provides a basis for zoning (including residential density) and subdivision of land. A structure plan may be prepared where:
- An area is identified in a Local Planning Scheme as being suitable for urban development (through the 'Future Urban' zone);
- An area is identified in a Local Planning Scheme as requiring a Structure Plan prior to subdivision or development of the land;
- It is a requirement of a State Planning Policy; or
- It is required by the Western Australian Planning Commission for orderly and proper planning purposes.
Structure Plans are not intended to determine built form. However, the local government and the Western Australian Planning Commission do need to consider whether the proposed lots are capable of being developed for their intended use, in accordance with the Local Planning Scheme and the Residential Design Codes. If guidelines on built form are required for specific sites within the Structure Plan area, Local Planning policies or Local Development Plans are to be prepared.
The following plans apply:
Activity Centre Plans
Activity Centre Plans are designed to guide the future subdivision, zoning and development of activity centres. An activity centre is a community focal point that may include commercial and retail development, higher density housing, entertainment uses, civic buildings and/or higher education institutions.
An Activity Centre Plan guides the types of land uses and the overall development (including the built form) that is intended to occur within the activity centre. It can also detail land use and infrastructure requirements, environmental assets, residential amenity, infrastructure and access arrangements.
Local Development Plans
Local Development Plans set out specific and detailed guidance for the future development of certain sites, including the site requirements and development standards that will apply. A Local Development Plan may also exempt certain types of development from requiring development approval from the local government, where the criteria set out in the plan can be met.
A Local Development Plan is typically put in place due to the special characteristics of a site and will often guide the overall development (including the built form) that is intended to occur on the site. It can also detail environmental assets, residential amenity, infrastructure and access arrangements.
Planning: Detailed Area Plans Policy
Local Development Plan 1 - Lots 1 & 2 Frenchman Bay Road
Local Development Plan - Lot 1005 Catalina Road, Lange
Planning: Local Development Plan No. 3 Lots 204-206 Celestial Pde and Lots 207-209 Pegasus Blvd, McKail Policy
Local Development Plan 6 Lots 213, 214 & 215 Spencer Street, Albany
Local Development Plan 7 - Lot 104 Rocky Crossing Road, Willyung
Local Development plan 9 - Lots 654, 688-691 Greyhound Circle and Lots 651 and 692 Little Oxford Street Gledhow
Local Development Plan 10 - Spencer Park
Local Development Plan 11 - Lot 67 Middleton Road Mira Mar
Local Development Plan 12 - Lot 5 Earl Street, Albany
Local Development Plan 13 - Lot 1 Grove St West, Little Grove
Local Development Plan 14 - Oyster Harbour Village Centre, Bayonet Head
Local Development Plan 15 - Stead Road
Local Development Plan 16 - Corymbia Estate
A CHRMAP is a long-term plan to address the impact of coastal hazards on our coastline. It looks at various hazard scenarios within a100-year timeframe and, with input from the community and key stakeholders, identifies the most appropriate adaptation strategies and options.
Whalers Beach (Frenchman Bay) CHRMAP
Albany Waterfront
The City of Albany's vision for the Albany Waterfront is to actively link the CBD to Princess Royal Harbour by providing a people-focused development with a strong sense of vibrancy and excitement, and with a unique combination of entertainment, accommodation and mixed-use buildings facing a wide waterside promenade overlooking an active public marina.
Albany Waterfront Planning Framework Report
Middleton Beach Design Guidelines
The City of Albany adopted the Middleton Beach Design Guidelines Policy on 23 October 2018.
The Design Guidelines have been prepared to guide development and built form within the Middleton Beach Activity Centre Precinct.
Middleton Beach Design Guidelines Policy