The Menang people have been the traditional custodians of the country around Albany for many thousands of years prior to European settlement, which has created a wealth of Aboriginal cultural heritage.
There are 40 known registered Aboriginal heritage sites and 85 more sites listed as ‘other heritage places’, across the City of Albany local government area. These sites include artefact scatters, mythological sites, engravings, grinding areas, food and ceremonial sites, that reflect the life and culture of the Menang people.
There remains a strong interest among Aboriginal people in both the area as a whole and in particular sites. There are associations with places traditionally used by the Menang people, places that feature in creation stories and mythology, and places that are associated with Aboriginal life after European settlement.
The City of Albany Aboriginal Accord 2003 represents a statement of commitment to working with the Aboriginal people of Albany to promote a greater understanding throughout the community of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples' history and culture.
City of Albany Aboriginal Accord 2003