Infrastructure, Development and Environment
Executive Director Infrastructure and Environment : Paul Camins
Information Sheets and Popular Forms
- Traffic Management Guidelines.
- Customer Service Requests – how the City responds to requests from the public on maintenance of its infrastructure.
- Road Maintenance, Renewal & Upgrade Requests – how the City responds to requests for roads to be graded, renewed or upgraded.
- Traffic Calming Devices – frequently asked questions about the effectiveness and use of traffic calming devices.
- Crossover (driveway) Application Form & Guidelines.
- Verge Development Application Form and Guidelines.
- Signs on Public Land Application Form and Guidelines.
- Storm Water Disposal Information Sheet.
- Managing Stormwater Information Sheet.
- Drainage Connection Application Form.
- Application to Clear Native Vegetation from Fence Line Form.
- CBD Parking Map.
Traffic Management Guidelines
Customer Service Public Works Request Guideline 2014
Traffic Calming Devices Information Sheet
Stormwater Detention On Your Property
Verge Development Application Form
Verge Development Guidelines
Stormwater Disposal
Drainage Connection Application Form
Application to Clear Native Vegetation from Fence Line Form
Crossover application form
CBD Parking Scheme
Advertising & Guidance Signage on Public Land and Road Reserves
Signs on Public Land Application Form
The City is committed to working towards a Clean, Green & Sustainable future to minimise any negative impacts on our changing environment. To guide the reduction of the City's environmental footprint the City has developed a Carbon Footprint Reduction Strategy.
As a result of this strategy the City has installed three solar power systems on the Administration Building at North Road, the Albany Day care Centre and the Depot Operations Centre totalling 55kW.
The City is also committed to reducing water consumption, improving sustainable transport options, increasing green infrastructure and implementing a range of sustainable waste management programs for the community.
For more information on the City's sustainability initiatives, click here
Infrastructure Design and Construction
This team is responsible for the delivery of the City’s capital works programme. This is through option analysis, project costing and design as well as project management of the construction stage of all City projects.
Some recently completed and ongoing projects include: Centennial Park Sporting Precinct civil works, Albany Highway Reconstruction, ALAC re-roofing and Grey Street East.
Major Projects
The Major Projects team manages a variety of large-scale projects that happen within the City of Albany including Centennial Park Sporting Precinct, Albany Tourism and Information Centre, Library and Alison Hartman Gardens Enhancement, Town Hall Repurposing, the Ellen Cove Swimming Enclosure and many others.
Click here for further information on the projects managed by the Major Projects Team.
Maintenance of Existing Infrastructure
The City is responsible for the planning, scheduling and implementation of planned and reactive maintenance on a wide range of assets including:
- 1700 km of roads (55% unsealed)
- 428 km of open and piped drains (15,388 pits)
- 170 km of pathways
- 12 major bridges
- 200 buildings/structures
- 58 public toilets
- 3,329 parking bays
- 105 bus shelters
- 176 park tables
- 386 park seats.
The City employs civil maintenance teams and a trades workshop team to undertake most of the maintenance requirements of the City in-house.
How often do gravel / bitumen roads get maintained?
Gravel roads are graded 2, 4 or 6 times per year, depending on the volume of traffic on the road. For upcoming monthly maintenance schedule for gravel road grading, street sweeping and bitumen road maintenance please refer to the Community Information page in local newspapers.
Drainage Maintenance
The City has a drainage maintenance program which includes vegetation control and silt removal.
Waste Management
The City of Albany manages waste activities throughout the municipality in conjunction with Transpacific Cleanaway and Vancouver Waste Services. Each year over 50,000 tonnes of waste is collected from residents and businesses in the City. This is managed through the two landfills and 5 rural transfer stations.
There are a range of options for recycling and reusing of waste including the successful Fossikers Tip Recycling Shop. The Recycling shop is located at the Hanrahan Landfill Site along with the Albany waste and recycling education (AWARE) Centre.
For more information on the City’s waste services, click here.
Natural and Developed Reserves
The City of Albany is responsible for the management of over 600 Crown reserves, occupying more than 138,000 hectares. The management of these reserves is divided into natural (bushland / coastal areas) and developed (parks, playgrounds, gardens) reserves.
The City’s Natural Reserves Team is responsible for a range of activities include managing declared environmental weeds, protecting threatened species, fire management programs, strategic planning and conservation works. For further information on Natural Reserves, click here.
The City’s Developed Reserves Team is responsible for the planning, installation and maintenance of playgrounds, park amenities (bbq’s, lights), sporting ovals and tree management. This extends to 42 playgrounds, 110 gardens, 35ha of sporting fields and 40ha of irrigation. For further information on Developed Reserves, click here.
Information for Utility Providers / Contractors
Guidelines and specifications detailing the requirements when conducting works in the City of Albany. This includes private properties, road verges and public open spaces.
This document will provide clarity and greatly assist in any situation where reinstatement and restoration is required. The document is available to view through the related link below
Restoration and Reinstatement Specification for Local Government
The Utility Providers Code of Practice for WA is also available via the link below:
UPSC WA Code of Practice
Notification of Works
All utility providers, contractors, and subcontractors are required to advise the City of any works planned in the road reserve which includes a project description, location and start / finish dates. Notifications are made through an online system via the following link:
Link to Utility Notification of Works Online Form:
If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact the Engineering team at [email protected] or 6820 3000.
Asset Management
The assets team is responsible for the long term strategic planning for all City assets. They prepare and implement Asset Management Plans to inform a 10 year capital works plan and maintenance programming to an agreed level of service. These plans allow the City to allocate expenditure in the most cost effective way over the whole lifecycle of an asset.
Documentation relating to asset management can be downloaded below.
The Strategic Asset Management Plan's document how the City plans to achieve the objectives in the Community Strategic Plan. Through the identification of critical risks, monitoring of service levels and performance, understanding lifecycle management & maintenance strategies. They also quantify anticipated expenditure and highlight focus areas for improvement.
The Strategic Asset Management Plans can be downloaded below.
Asset Management Policy
Strategic Asset Management Plans (Transport, Building, Stormwater, Managed Space)
Albany Spatial Data Specification
The specifications in these documents define the GIS (Geographical Information System) Specifications and Standards as they apply to survey, data, asset and condition rating standards, and workflows.
The key objective of this specification is to provide information to all parties (Consultants, Surveyors, and Employees) that will be dealing with delivering Asset Survey Data to the City of Albany. It outlines the specific requirements for the submission of “As-Constructed Information” as GIS data of newly constructed and existing City assets.
Whilst all care has been taken with the preparation of these documents it is the responsibility of the consultants, surveyors, or employees to confirm that all details are accurate, current and relevant.
Albany Spatial Data Specification V1.3
Stormwater Drainage Specification

Stormwater Drainage Specification V1.3
Transport Specification

Transport Specification V1.3
Managed Space Specification

Managed Space Specification V1.3
Built Specification
Built Specification V1.3
Services Specification
Services Specification V1.3
Planning and Development Services
Planning and Development Services manages a variety of teams including Rangers and Emergency Services, Planning, Building and Health services and Environmental Health.