Waterwise Homes and Gardens
In our drying climate waterwise homes and gardens are becoming increasingly important and essential for protecting our water for future generations.
Trees and vegetation reduces the temperature of the streetscape, reduces water evaporation and increases soil infiltration. Green roofs and walls can reduce surface temperature by up to 20% (Coults, Daly, Beringer and Tapper, 2013).
Not only are trees, rain gardens, rock gardens and increased green space great for water infiltration and visual amenity, according to results of CRCWSC research they increase the value of your property.
Even with clay type soils garden beds can be built up and planted. Watering a garden doesn't need to be expensive if you install a slim line raintank and capture rainfall for the purpose.
The Water Wise House
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Water Wise Gardens
Creating a waterwise garden is one of the most efficient ways you can save groundwater. You don’t have to compromise on having an enjoyable green space for your home. Dept of Water and Environmental Regulation
Rain gardens and rock garden swales are a wonderful way to assist rainfall infiltration into the soil and removing wet patches in lawn areas, google how today!
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)

What is Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)?
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is a set of principles that can be applied to sustainably manage water, providing opportunities for the development industry, local government and their communities to achieve more liveable cities with vibrant and healthy waterways. Water by Design