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House Roof

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Buying / Selling / Moving Planning & Building Subdivision & Amalgamation Managing Stormwater Contact Us FAQ's

Buying / Selling or Moving?

Check out the following fact sheets:

Buying or selling  Moving to a rural area

Planning and Building

To develop your land you may require Development (planning) Approval and/or a Building Permit depending on your requirements.

Development includes:

  • The erection, construction or demolition of a building or structure
  • The erection, placement and display of advertisements or signs
  • Building alterations or additions
  • Excavation work
  • Establishing or changing the use of a site
  • Clearing a lot/native vegetation

Development approvals and building permits require separate applications and in some cases you may require both before commencing site works. If required, a development approval is to be issued before you can obtain a building permit.


Things to consider for your development:

  • Is your development in a bushfire prone area?
  • Do you require development approval?
  • Do you require a building/demolition permit?
  • Is your lot/building in a heritage-protected place? (Development approval is required)
  • Do you want to subdivide or amalgamate lots?
  • Does your lot have a drainage easement?

Refer to the following pages for further information:

Bushfire Prone Areas Planning & Development Advertising Signs Building & Demolition Heritage Subdivision & Amalgamation Stormwater and Drainage

Glowing Question marks

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

See the following frequently asked questions to learn more about specific requirements. 


Ancillary Dwelling (Granny flat)

Please refer to the City’s Ancillary Accommodation Information Sheet below for more details.

Information Sheet

Ancillary Dwellings

Hosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation


On the 24th of September 2024 the WA State Government announced changes to the Planning Regulations in relation to Hosted and Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation (STRA).

Applications for HOSTED short-stay accommodation no longer require Development Approval from the City of Albany.

HOSTED Short-Term Rental Accommodation means any of the following:
  1. Short-term rental accommodation where the owner or occupier, or an agent of the owner or occupier who ordinarily resides at the dwelling, resides at the same dwelling during the short-term rental arrangement.
  2. Short-term rental accommodation that is an ancillary dwelling where the owner or occupier, or an agent of the owner or occupier who ordinarily resides at the other dwelling on the same lot, resides at that other dwelling during the short-term rental arrangement;
  3. Short-term rental accommodation that is a dwelling on the same lot as an ancillary dwelling where the owner or occupier or an agent of the owner or occupier who ordinarily reside at the dwelling, resides at the ancillary dwelling during the short-term rental arrangement.
STRA Register

You are required to register the property on the State-wide register, commonly referred to as The STRA Register.   This register is not managed by the City of Albany.   Detailed information on the register, including how to sign-up and contact details for specific queries, can be found at the dedicated Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) website:  Short-Term Rental Accommodation Register.


If you are Preparing and Providing Food for your guests, you may need to obtain approval and/or have an inspection completed by the City of Albany Health team.  Enquiries in relation to this can be directed to:  [email protected] or by phoning the health team on 6820 3000 to ensure that any requirements in relation to registration of a food business are satisfied or deemed compliant.

Additional on-site car parking bays at the ratio of 1 bay per bedroom are to be provided (which should not interfere with vehicular access). Parking for visitors of a commercial nature should not cause a visual or physical obstruction to neighbouring properties and should be within the lot boundaries of the home, not on the verge or road.

Smoke alarms should be installed and must comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) Volume 2 requirements – e.g. the BCA requires smoke alarms to be installed in each bedroom and every corridor or hallway associated with a bedroom and to be connected to evacuation lighting.

If the hosted accommodation is proposed in an existing dwelling, facilities for disabled access are not necessary.  However, if additions to an existing house or a complete new house is being proposed with a portion allocated for use as Hosted Accommodation, then disabled facilities must be provided (the building is then classified as Class 1b building).

Residential properties larger than 300m2 of floor area will require a change of classification from a Class 1 to a Class 3 building via a certified building permit application.  Refer to the Building Code of Australia Vol One. Part A3 Classification of Buildings and Structures A3.2 (b).

A Class 1b building is a boarding house, guest house or hostel that has a floor area less than 300 m2, and ordinarily has less than 12 people living in it.

Class 3 buildings are residential buildings other than a Class 1 or Class 2 building. They are a common place of long term or transient living for a number of unrelated people. Examples include a boarding house, guest house, hostel or backpackers (that are larger than the limits for a Class 1b building).

If your home is Strata Titled we strongly recommend gaining written approval from the Strata Body for use as Short Stay Accommodation,


Guests should always be able to contact the Host easily in an emergency or for general enquiries and have a clear set of guidelines that they are expected to comply with.   These guidelines should include the following:

  • Property location/address provided in a clear manner such that this can be referenced to emergency services should the need arise.
  • Emergency Contacts – Medical / Police / Fire / Evacuation Procedures
  • Check In and Check Out Procedures
  • Payment Methods, Deposits and Refunds, Security Bonds, Loss or Breakages
  • Minimum and Maximum Night Stays
  • Linen, Towels & Servicing
  • House Rules – eg. Smoking
  • Number of Guests Permitted 
  • Pets
  • Garbage and Recycling
  • Keys / Security
  • Noise
  • Visitors that are not registered
  • Parking
  • Complaints Handling
  • Fire Bans
Related Local Planning Policy
Planning: Holiday Accommodation Policy


How many chalets can I have on my Rural or Priority Agriculture zoned property?

On a lot zoned General Agriculture or Priority Agriculture:

  • 5 units (10 guest bedrooms) are permitted on a lot between 5-10 hectares
  • 8 units (16 bedrooms) on a lot greater than 10 hectares.
  • when you have 4 - 10 chalets on the one property, one chalet must comply with disability access standards.

For further information please refer to the Local Planning Scheme 2 - Schedule 5 Table 12 - Rural & Priority Agriculture Zones

Department of Planning

Local Planning Scheme 2

Home Business

What type of business can I run from home and what approvals do I need?

Please refer to the Home-Based Business Information Sheet.

Information Sheet

Home-Based Business information sheet

Boundary Setbacks

How close can I build to my boundary?

For dwellings and outbuildings check the zone first:

  • Residential - refer to the Residential Design Codes - Tables B, 2a, 2b, C & Schedule 5 (Table 12) & Schedule 7 (Table 17)
  • Other zones - refer to Local Planning Scheme 2 Schedule 5 (Table 12)

How close can a patio or carport be built to the boundary?

A carport for residential purposes is defined as a roofed structure that is open-sided, except where it abuts a dwelling or property boundary, and is used to accommodate one or more motor vehicles.

Concessions may apply and can be found in the National Construction Code (NCC) 2019 Volume Two Part, which exempts the need for certain fire separation requirements for Class 10a buildings, applies to an open carport only. Therefore under Deemed-to- Satisfy (DtS) provisions it does not apply to a roofed outdoor area used for any other purpose (such as a patio). Patios must be setback 900mm from a boundary.

For more information please see Industry Bulletin 145 on the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety Website


Department of Planning

Australian Building Codes Board

Residential Design Codes

Local Planning Scheme 2

National Construction Code

Outbuildings, Sheds etc

An outbuilding is an enclosed non-habitable structure that is detached from any dwelling and may include a detached garage.

Garden structures (i.e. structures without a solid roof – pergolas with shade cloth and arbours) are considered exempt from the provisions of the Scheme.

To check what size outbuilding you are permitted to build on your property, please firstly check your zone and lot size using the online maps below, then refer to the Outbuildings information sheet. 

Information Sheet CoA Property Zoning

Planning: Outbuildings Information Sheet

Property Zoning online maps


Can I have a friend or family member stay in a caravan on my property?

Under the Caravan Park and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997 it is illegal to live in a caravan without Council approval. You may however camp on land which you own or have a legal right to occupy for up to 3 consecutive nights in any period of 28 consecutive days. Compliance with various regulations during these 3 nights is still required (effluent disposal, noise, etc.).

Can I live in a caravan while I build my house (i.e. Temporary Caravan Accommodation)?

Temporary Caravan Accommodation is not permitted unless Planning Consent to it is granted by the City of Albany. If consent granted, conditions apply. Please refer to the 'Temporary Accommodation' information sheet.

Planning Policies

WA Legislation

City of Albany Temporary Accommodation

Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997


Can I clear my property before I have any approved permits?

You shouldn't clear your lot to prepare for building until you have an approved building permit issued for lots under 1100m2.  For lots over 1100m2, where bushfire reduction clearing is required to reduce a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) under your planning approval, clearing will be required prior to submitting a building permit - with a revised BAL report showing the reduced BAL level.  You may also need to check with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) if the clearing involves native vegetation to ensure a permit is not required.

What is the order in which to apply for approvals and for clearing?

  1. Apply for Development Approval that includes your BAL/Bushfire Management Plan (BMP) or BAL Contour Plan (as appropriate and depending on the use and the property;
  2. Once a Development Application is approved, contact DWER for advice and approvals on vegetation to be cleared;
  3. Clear vegetation in accordance with the BAL/BMP or BAL Contour Plan and DWER advice and approvals; and
  4. Obtain and submit BAL certificate/BAL report with Building Permit application.

Dept of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER)

Clearing Permits


The City of Albany Fencing Local Law 2010 states;

"A person shall not, without the written consent of the Building Surveyor, erect a free standing fence greater than 1200mm in height, within the front setback area of a residential lot within the district".

A dividing fence is a fence that separates the land of different owners whether the fence is on the common boundary of adjoining lands or on a line other than the common boundary. A dividing fence does not include a retaining wall.

Dividing fences are regulated by the Dividing Fences Act 1961 (WA) and not controlled by Local Government other than what is contained in the Local Law. See legislation links below.

Council will not arbitrate disputes between neighbours on dividing fences, legal advice should be sought for those experiencing problems with neighbours.

Front fences in the Residential zone should comply with the Residential Design Codes.

Refer to Building Services for information.

Legislation Department of Planning

Fencing Local Law 2010

Dividing Fences Act 1961 (WA)

Residential Design Codes


What is the 'R' code for my property and what does it mean?

The Residential Density Code or ‘R-code’ refers to the number of dwellings that are allowed on land within the Residential zone (density of development).

The number of houses allowed per hectare is relative to the number of the R-Code – the higher the R-Code, the higher the density eg. more houses per hectare at R60 (approx. 66) than R20 (approx. 22) (R60, 1 house per 150m2; and R20, 1 house per 450m2).

Refer to the State Planning Policy ‘Residential Design Codes’ for more detailed information. The City of Albany Local Planning Scheme 2 maps show which R-Code applies to each lot. Also see the City's property zoning online maps to view what zone your lot is classified.

Department of Planning CoA Property Zoning

Residential Design Codes - website

Local Planning Scheme

Property Zoning online maps

Second-Hand Dwellings (Relocated)

Can I relocated a dwelling?

You can ‘relocate’ an existing house to another property. A second-hand dwelling is completely different to a transportable dwelling - both will need a building permit.

A second-hand dwelling is an existing house that has been built on a property with the correct building permits required at the time of construction, which is then moved to a new location. This process will require a building permit issued to either a registered builder or a licenced owner builder.

A transportable dwelling is a new house that has been constructed elsewhere and transported to its initial location.


  • An owner builder licence is only granted to the owners of the property where the building is going to be constructed or relocated to.
  • A demolition licence will be required to ‘remove’ an existing house from its original location.

Do I need a soil test for a second-hand dwelling?

If the relocated dwelling is to be on stumps, you don’t need a soil test.

Can I build a new house in Perth and then transport it to Albany?

You can’t build a new home in Perth to transport to Albany unless you are a registered builder and specialise as a transportable building company.

Refer to Local Planning Scheme 2 - Schedule 6, Table 13; Table 3 - Zoning Table for advice on zones where Second-Hand dwellings may be considered and Part 6 - Land Use Definitions.

Subdivision and Land Development

The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is responsible for determining all subdivision/amalgamation and survey strata applications in Western Australia. See the City's Subdivision and Land Development web page and WAPC website below.

Subdivision and Land Development WAPC Website 

Trading in Public Places

Do I need a permit to street trade and have a stall at the markets?

Permits are required for street traders; fixed location traders; to operate an outdoor eating facility; and market operators, in accordance with the City of Albany Activities on Thoroughfares and Public Places and Trading Local Law 2011.

The City of Albany will call for applications for fixed trading licences either before a licence expires, or when a trading location becomes available.

The City of Albany supports traders operating on a regulated basis and is committed to promoting small business initiatives in a sustainable fair manner whilst acknowledging the historic use of some of the areas.

Any questions or queries regarding the fixed locations can be directed to the Development Information Team on 08 6820 3040 or email:  [email protected].

Planning Policies Permit Application
Local Law

Trading in Public Places Policy Storymap

Trading in Public Places Policy PDF

Application For Permit

Activities on Thoroughfares and Public Places and Trading Local Law 2011

Building Permits

Do I need a building permit for my BBQ or letterbox?

No. The City of Albany does not require a permit for a letterbox or bbq.

Do I need a building permit for my Front or Boundary Fence?

As per the Building Regulations, any fence, screen or similar will need a building permit for any masonry (brick, concrete etc) wall over 0.75m (note that Structural Engineers certification required over 1m).

If constructed of anything other than masonry, a building permit is required if height is over 1.8m (note that structural detail may be required if fence or wall is over 1.2m - if the fence is a front fence and solid above 1.2m it will also need Development Approval).

Please refer to the legislation link box below to download the Building Regulations 2012 PDF document - see Schedule 4 CI2 Item 4.

Do I need a building permit for a cubby house?

A building permit will only be required if overall height exceeds 2.4m and the floor area exceeds 10m2.

Please refer to the legislation link box below to download the Building Regulations 2012 PDF document - see Schedule 4 CI2 Item 1.

Do I need a building permit for a pergola?

If associated with a dwelling, a building permit will only be required if more than 2.4m in height and covers an area exceeding 20m2.

Please refer to the legislation link box below to download the Building Regulations 2012 PDF document - see Schedule 4 CI2 Item 7.

Do I need a building permit for a garden shed?

A building permit will only be required if overall height exceeds 2.4m and the floor area exceeds 10m2. The garden shed must be free standing and not attached to the dwelling.  Even though no building permit required, due regard must be given to the Building Regulations, including fire separation distances.  If in doubt, please contact us for advice.

Do I need a building permit for a shade cloth shelter?

A building permit will only be required if overall roof cover exceeds 20m2 and/or height exceeds 2.4m high. (This is the same as for a Pergola).

When do I need a registered builder?

You will need a registered builder for any work over $20,000 (private or commercial).

Do I need to apply for a building permit if I am just replacing an existing structure?

Yes. Note: Energy Efficiency may also be affected by building additions/replacement etc. Check with your builder to ensure that building work complies with current regulations.

Do I need a building permit to place a sea/shipping container on my lot?


How long is a building permit valid for?

Two years with options to apply for extensions beyond that time.

What do I do if my builder does not complete his work and I have another builder to finish?

The original builder will need to complete a Notice of Cessation (BA8) which advises the work completed and work not completed; along with all certificates or proof of tests completed to date of cessation. The new builder will need to apply for a building permit for the remainder of work.

Do I need Water Corporation approval when I apply for my building permit?

Water Corporation approval is required when you are carrying out any building or renovation activity on your property. They check your plans to ensure that existing services are protected and can be easily accessed for maintenance and emergencies; and that the right water and sewer connections will be available to service the building or development. There are some structures that are exempt from obtaining this approval. These include:

  • Demountable above ground pools and spas.
  • Pergolas.
  • Patios.
  • Gazebos.
  • Lightweight (demountable) sheds with floor area not more than 42m2.
  • Temporary buildings on construction sites (including site offices).
  • Refits/additions under a main roof where there is no change to the water or wastewater appliances.
  • Retaining wall less than or equal to 1.2m.
  • Masonry structures less than or equal to 1.8m.

For further information, you can contact the Water Corporation by email: [email protected].

Planning Policies

Building Legislation

Building Commission

Water Corporation

City of Albany planning policies

Building Act 2011

Building Regulations 2012

Building and Energy 

Water Corporation


Is asbestos safe and do I need approval to remove asbestos?

Left undisturbed in buildings, asbestos cement building products pose little risk to health. As such there is no need to remove or to coat asbestos cement materials that are in good condition. However any damaged asbestos products do need to be removed and disposed of accordingly. Anyone removing more than 10 square metres of asbestos must undertake training prior to applying for a Restricted Asbestos Removal License from WorkSafe. Handling asbestos is to be in compliance with the Health (Asbestos) Regulations, the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996, the Code of Practice for the Safe Removal of Asbestos 2005 and the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004. Please refer to the 'Asbestos Removal & Disposal' information sheet.

Information Sheet

Health: Asbestos and asbestos containing material (ACM) removal & disposal procedure information sheet

Cubby Houses

What approvals do I need to build a cubby house?

Cubby houses (as well as pergolas, play fixtures and dog kennels) are not included in the definition of building and are exempt from planning control, unless the cubby house structure exceeds 10m2 or has an overall height of 2.4m. In this case a building permit will be required.

For further information on planning controls see Residential Design Codes Part 5, Cl 7.3 Explanatory Guidelines. Also, see Building Regulations 2012 Schedule 4 Cl2 Item 1.

Department of Planning

Building Legislation

Residential Design Codes

Building Regulations 2012

Demolition Permits

How long does a demolition permit last for?

You have 2 years to complete.

What is required to accompany an application for a demolition permit?

You need a site plan showing location of building to be demolished; existing services; and if partial demolition, elevations can be provided. Note, Water Corporation approval is not required.

Do I need planning consent before applying for a demolition permit?

A demolition does not require planning consent unless the building or structure to be demolished is listed; or the area it is within is listed on a Heritage Register (either Local or State) or has other heritage implications. You should check with our enquiry staff to see if this applies to your project.

Do I need a demolition permit to remove a house?

Yes, a demolition permit is always needed for a house. You do not have to use a registered demolition contractor unless the building contains more than one storey and/or contains more than 10m2 asbestos.

Do I need a demolition permit to remove my shed?

A demolition permit is not required for a domestic 10a structure (shed) that has a floor area under 40m2 and/or less than 10m2 asbestos. A registered contractor is required for any commercial structure. Contact Worksafe on 9842 8366 for further information.

Building Commission
Building Approval Forms

Drainage Easements

What if we wish to modify the ground level within a drainage easement?

Earthworks may require development approval. If the manhole is a City of Albany access manhole (i.e. diameter 1050mm) you will need to install a riser to bring it to the surface if you are filling over the current level.

If, after filling, you bring the riser (liner) up to ground level on the 1050mm pit, the City of Albany would arrange to visit the site and inspect it to ensure compliance (you will need to re-grout around the lid).

The 600mm liner is effectively your connection point and your responsibility; if you wish to bury it that is your choice however we always recommend they remain accessible for your own maintenance.

What distant must be maintained from manholes and connection points within a drainage easement?

A minimum of 2m clearance should be maintained from any manhole.

Information Sheet

Drainage Easement Information

Earthworks and Retaining Walls

A retaining wall is a structure designed and constructed to support any material, usually soil, where the natural ground level has been altered by cutting (lowering) or filling (raising).

A fence should not be used to retain soil unless it has been specifically designed to do so.

How close can I build to a retaining wall?

  • If you are building on the low side of a retaining wall, you can locate the building (house or shed or garage) close to the wall but you must ensure you don't undermine the footings e.g.
  • If you are building on the high side of a 1m retaining wall you should generally be 1m away for single storey buildings or 1.5m away for two storey buildings - any closer would require engineer's certification.

Please refer to Retaining Walls Information Sheet below.

Do I need to contact my neighbours if I build a retaining wall on my boundary?

A retaining wall over 500mm will need development approval and neighbours will be invited to comment. You will also need to contact your neighbours and have them complete a BA20 form if you are cutting and the retaining wall is on the boundary, as it may affect the integrity of structures on their property.

The BA20 form is lodged at the same time as the Building Permit application.

For further information on Residential Design Codes Part 5, Cl 5.3.7 Site Works click here to view the Department of Planning website.

Do I need engineers certification for a retaining wall that is 1m high?

You will need a Structural Engineers Certification for a retaining wall for: any cut; and for fill over 500mm.

Please refer to Retaining Walls information sheet below.

Do I need a building permit for a retaining wall?

Yes, if you are cutting in and require a retaining wall you will need a building permit, regardless of the depth. If you are filling you will need a building permit if the retaining wall is over 500mm in height. (Note that Structural Engineers Certification is required in both cases).

Please refer to Retaining Walls information sheet below.

Do I need development approval for a retaining wall or earthworks?

Yes, if any of the following applies:

In a Residential Zone

  • The retaining wall is on the lot boundary or within 1m of the lot boundary and is higher than 500mm; - Residential Design Codes Part 5, Cl 5.3.7 Site Works .
  • For any excavation or filling behind the street setback line that doesn't comply with the setbacks in Table 4 of the R-Codes  - Residential Design Codes Part 5, Cl 5.3.7 Site Works 
  • Retaining walls, fill and excavation between the street boundary and the street setback, over 500mm above or below the natural ground level, unless where necessary to provide for pedestrian or vehicle access, drainage works or natural light for a dwelling. - Residential Design Codes Part 5, Cl 5.3.7 Site Works

In other zones, contact the City of Albany, Planning team for advice.

Do I need planning consent to construct a dam?

Check with the City of Albany Planning team ([email protected]) by lodging a site plan and letter explaining the use of the proposed dam. If it is for farm purposes, the Local Planning Scheme exempts the requirement for development approval, however, if the dam is within a water catchment area or close to a river or creek this may trigger a need for formal approval.

Refer to Local Planning Scheme 1, Schedule A - Supplementary Provisions Cl 61 (1) (m)

Information Sheet Department of Planning

Retaining Walls information sheet

Residential Design Codes

Local Planning Scheme 2

Engineers Certification

When will I need to provide engineer's certification with my building permit application?

Plans are to be certified by a practising registered Structural Engineer in the following instances:

  • Sheds and patios (for all engineered pine roof trusses; and all sheds over approximately 36m2)  Note: The City of Albany is prepared to look at plans from small sheds that are not certified by an engineer but they may ask to have them certified if they are not able to determine the structural adequacy of the proposed structure.
  • Dwelling (soil classification and compaction certificate. A structural engineer will assess wind rating, soil classification and footing details. Note: soil test not required if dwelling/building on stumps).
  • All second storey's (including additions and mezzanine floors).
  • Solid masonry fences and walls over .750mm (Structural Engineers certification).
  • Retaining walls - fill over 500mm and any cut (Structural Engineers Certification, soil testing).
  • Water tank over 5000 litres.
  • Decks more than 1400mm in height.
  • Pylon signs.

Flag Poles

Are there any restrictions regarding flag poles?

There are no planning restrictions in place for flag poles. A building permit is required when the flag pole exceeds 3m in height.

Owner Builder

Do I have to be registered as an owner builder to build my own shed?

If the value of the build is less than $20,000 you can build without registering as an owner builder.

How do I register as an owner builder?

You will need to register with the Building Commission. For further information refer to the Building Commission website.

Building Commission

Owner-builder approval

Provision of toilets for public use

Do I need to provide toilet facilities for the public for my restaurant/fast food outlet?

In a Class 6 building (restaurants, cafes, bars) public toilets are not required if the building "accommodates" no more than 20 people (i.e. Patrons only). The need to provided staff toilets will still apply.

Refer to the National Construction Code Part F2 - Sanitary and Other Facilities Table F 2.3.

Australian Building Codes Board

National Construction Code

Sewered Property vs On-site Effluent Disposal

Is sewer available at my property?

The City of Albany internal mapping reference system (Intramaps) may show details of sewer connection points, however it is best to contact Water Corporation on 13 13 95 to confirm if sewer is available.

When is an application required?

In areas where reticulated sewerage is not available, on-site disposal of wastewater is required. An Application to Construct or Install an Apparatus for the Treatment of Sewage in accordance with the Health (Treatment of Sewage and Disposal of Effluent and Liquid Waste) Regulations 1974 must be lodged every time you intend to construct and install an apparatus for on-site wastewater disposal.

For further information view the Department of Health website at the bottom of this page.

What type of on-site effluent system do I need to install?

You can choose from many different wastewater systems. However, it is important to check with the Environmental Health team for specific requirements that may exist in your area. It is possible that you may only be able to choose from a limited range of products due to the soil type, size of the block, distance to water courses and bores and the local requirement to retain nutrients onsite. An assessment of the site conditions may be required and this should be undertaken in winter months or at high tide in tidal influenced areas.

More common systems available to collect, treat and dispose wastewater include: septic tanks – leach drain systems, soak wells, aerobic treatment units (ATUs), grey water treatment systems (GTS) and composting toilets.

For further information view the Department of Health website at the bottom of this page.

Is the system I wish to install approved by the Department of Health?

It is best to ensure that the septic system, grey water system or alternative treatment unit is approved for use by the Department of Health.

For further information view the Department of Health website at the bottom of this page.

Can I build over septic tanks and leach drains?

All structures including buildings, footings, retaining walls, sealed or paved area, fences, patio posts etc. or any boundary must be at least 1.8m from leach drains or soak wells and 1.2m away from septic tanks. A patio roof may be located over the septic tank (so long as posts are at correct distance from it) but no roof cover is permitted over leach drains. This allows for maximum exposure to sun and to allow for evaporation.

For further information view the Department of Health website at the bottom of this page.

Can I build over or near an Alternative Treatment Unit (ATU)?

All structures including fences (open or closed), buildings, paths, drives, carports, patio posts etc or any boundary must be at least 1.2m away from tanks and 0.5m from irrigation fields. A patio roof may be located over the ATU tank (so long as posts are at correct distance from it) but no roof cover is permitted over the irrigation field. This allows for maximum exposure to the sun to allow for evaporation.

For further information view the Department of Health website below.

Department of Health

Approved Wastewater Systems

Signs / Home Business Signage

Will I still need a sign licence for my home business, considering the home business is already approved and the City's local planning scheme exempts one sign for this purpose up to 0.5m2?

Please refer to the Advertising Signage web page for development and building requirements and applications.

A building permit will still be required - if the sign is to be attached to a fence or dwelling, for example, we need to ensure it is secured safely. 

Web page

Advertising Signage

Swimming Pools / Spas / Ponds

Definition of Swimming Pool (as per NCC2014 Building Code of Australia - Volume One): means any excavation or structure containing water and used primarily for swimming, wading, paddling, or the like, including a bathing or wading pool, or spa.

Do I need a permit for my swimming pool, spa or pond?

A building permit is also required for the construction of swimming and spa pools. Development Approval may be required if earthworks exceed 600mm; if there is retaining greater than 500mm on or within 1m of a boundary; or if located within the front setback of a residential property.

A building permit is required under the Building Act and the Regulations prior to installing, constructing or altering swimming and spa pool barriers, including windows, door and gates that provide access to a swimming or spa pool area. 

What sort of barrier do I need for my swimming pool or spa?

Compliant safety barriers are required for in ground, above ground, and indoor swimming and spa pools that contain water that is more than 300mm deep.

Do I need a barrier for a child's paddle pool?

A portable wading pool that does not contain water that is more than 300mm deep does not require a mandatory child safety barrier.

Do I need to comply with safety standards for a garden pond or farm dam?

You will only need to comply with swimming pool safety standards if the primary use is for swimming, however, contact our building surveyors for confirmation if in doubt.

For further information refer to the following:

  • The Building Act 2011 (WA), and to the Building Regulations 2012
  • Australian Standard AS 1926.1-1993 Part 1: Fencing for swimming pools
  • Residential Design Codes Cl 3.7
  • Building Commission website - free publications including 'Rules for Pools and Spas'
Building Commission Building Legislation Department of Planning

Swimming, spa and portable pools

Building Act 2011

Building Regulations 2012

Residential Design Codes

Managing Stormwater

The City of Albany receives many enquiries from the community regarding stormwater disposal, where the responsibility lies if stormwater is entering their property, and what to do if they have a problem.

There are typically three main issues:

  1. Stormwater from one property collecting and then being dispersed onto a neighbouring property
  2. Stormwater flowing naturally across a lot and into adjacent properties; and 
  3. Stormwater entering the property from the Local Authorities infrastructure, such as roads or drains.

For more information on what you can do, see the City's  Managing Your Stormwater Information Sheet

For all things stormwater - see the City's Stormwater and Drainage page

How to Contact us for Enquiries or Applications

Information Officers are available to discuss your development proposals and preliminary plans. Contact us today!

Your queries may be referred to a Planning Officer or Building Surveyor if further information/consultation is required.


Planning 6820 3040

Building 6820 3041


[email protected] or

[email protected]


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North Road office

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm

Contact Us

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