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Subdivision and Development

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The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is responsible for determining all subdivision/amalgamation and survey strata applications in Western Australia.

WAPC Website

Applicants are advised to verify zoning, building setbacks and other relevant subdivision standards and requirements with the City's Planning Department prior to lodging an application with the WAPC. Once it has been determined that you can subdivide, we recommend that you contact a land surveyor and/or a planning consultant for further discussion and advice.

All subdivision applications are referred to The City of Albany to provide comment and recommended conditions.


The City of Albany has adopted the Local Government Guidelines for Subdivisional Development (IPWEA, November 2017) as the basis for the design and construction of all civil infrastructure associated with the subdivision and development of land.

The City of Albany's Subdivision & Development Guidelines 2018 has been developed as an addendum to the IPWEA Guidelines.

LG Guidelines for Subdivisional Development

City of Albany documents

Stormwater Management

Developers subdividing land for urban residential, special rural, special residential, commercial or industrial developments are required to provide a stormwater drainage system. The subdivision of rural land may also require the provisions of a similar system and in low lying areas or areas subject to a high water table, sub-soil drainage may be required.

Commercial drainage

The WAPC's Better Urban Water Management document provides guidance on the implementation of State Planning Policy 2.9 Water Resources (Government of WA, 2006), which is a requirement of the State Water Strategy for Western Australia (Government of WA, 2003).

It is designed to facilitate better management and use of our urban water resources by ensuring an appropriate level of consideration is given to the total water cycle at each stage of the planning system.

If the planning process is conducted as recommended, the plans prepared will be consistent with:

Stormwater management for new developments and subdivisions within the City of Albany shall generally be in accordance with the City of Albany's Subdivision & Development Guidelines and Module 4 of the latest edition of the Local Government Guidelines for Subdivisional Development (LGGSD).

Stormwater drainage plans are to be submitted to the City of Albany as part of the design drawing request for approval. A permit from the City is required for connections to the City’s stormwater drainage infrastructure.

Relevant Forms

 Other City documents related to drainage

Urban Water Management Plan

Large subdivisions should be supported by an urban water management plan, as should small subdivisions in priority catchments or where there are significant risks to water resources. This plan should be undertaken instead of the conventional drainage and nutrient management plan.

Urban Water Management Plans

A guideline for preparing plans and subdivision conditions


An urban water management plan is not generally required to support subdivision in infill/brownfield areas, unless the development is likely to impact on significant water resources.

Contact the City of Albany Planning and Engineering team for further information on (08) 6820 3000.

Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)

River Water

What is Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD)?                                                          

Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) is a set of principles that can be applied to sustainably manage water, providing opportunities for the development industry, local government and their communities to achieve more liveable cities with vibrant and healthy waterways. Water by Design

All drainage systems shall be designed to include water sensitive urban design principles.


Refer to the City of Albany’s Subdivision & Development Guidelines 2018 and Local Government Guidelines for Subdivisional Development for further information.

Practical Completion PC)

Upon the satisfactory completion of all subdivisional work and soil stabilisation, the consulting engineer shall notify the City in writing that all works have been inspected and are in accordance with the approved drawings and specifications. The City may permit staging of practical Completion as areas become finalised.

Practical completion shall not be granted until all as-constructed information has been received to the satisfaction of the City in accordance with the As-constructed Information Checklist.



As-constructed Information Checklist City of Albany Spatial Data Specification

Practical Completion shall generally be in accordance with the City of Albany’s Subdivision & Development Guidelines and Module 1 of the latest edition of the Local Government Guidelines for Subdivisional Development (LGGSD).

Once PC has been achieved it is expected the developer will finalise any outstanding works and request a Subdivision Clearance from the City.

Clearance Request

Before your subdivision can be endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission and titles issued you must comply with Section 1.19.2 Conditions of Clearance outlined in the LGGSD.

The City of Albany grants subdivision clearance, requests for clearance can be made by completing and submitting the following forms.

Clearance Forms

The City will inspect the property and ensure the conditions set out by the WAPC have been met before granting clearance.

Other Links

WAPC Website  Telecommunications Water Corporation - Developing & Building