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Scheme Amendment No.3

Notice is hereby given that the City of Albany has prepared Scheme Amendment No. 3 for the purpose of:

  • Transferring the land zoning at the old Woolstores site, from the ‘Rural Smallholdings’ and ‘Light Industry’ zones, and ‘Local Road’ reserve to the ‘Urban Development’ zone.

The ‘Urban Development’ zone provides an intention of future land use and a basis of structure planning, to provide for a range of residential and commercial uses and to protect the land from noncompatible subdivision or development.

Scheme Amendment No. 3 is a standard amendment in accordance with the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (the Planning Regulations).

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the scheme amendment are available in our office located 102 North Road, Yakamia WA 6330 and will be open for inspection during office hours up to and including close of advertising date.

Alternatively, we have made the Amendment Document available by clicking HERE.

Technical Reports are available below:

Ecological Assessment

Ecological Survey

Engineering Report

Environmental Report

Preliminary Site Investigation

Sampling and Analysis Plan

Submissions on Scheme Amendment No. 3 may be lodged in writing on or before close of advertising date: 22/04/2025.

The Planning Regulations (r.49 [standard]) require submissions to include minimum details. Please ensure your submission includes the following to comply with this requirement:

  • First and last name/s of the person/s making the submission;
  • Contact email address or postal address;
  • A statement about the capacity in which the person/s is/are making the submission.


Please address submissions to City of Albany, PO Box 484, Albany WA 6330, alternatively, submissions may be e-mailed to [email protected].