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Planning strategy promotes urban consolidation

Published on Wednesday, 11 December 2019 at 1:00:28 PM

A new Local Planning Strategy promoting urban consolidation will guide development and growth within Albany over the next decade after it received a tick of approval from the WA Planning Commission.

The aim of the new Strategy is to consolidate existing urban areas rather than support further sprawl beyond existing supply of land zoned and planned for settlement.

Mayor Dennis Wellington said the new Strategy would assist the City to meet its vision of being Western Australia’s most sought after and unique regional city to work, live and visit.

“Over the long-term it will deliver a more compact city where residents will live closer to shops, services and employment with easy access to public transport and greater ability to walk or cycle,” he said.

“The Strategy promotes making better use of existing land and infrastructure so we can reduce our footprint on the surrounding landscape.”

It includes building on the existing strengths of the Albany CBD and other activity centres such as Middleton Beach and the Albany Waterfront, and progressively moving the City’s retail-centric shopping centres towards activity centres that meet the shopping, employment and recreational needs of our community.

Chief Executive Officer Andrew Sharpe said consolidation would also be achieved by supporting urban renewal initiatives in Spencer Park and Centennial Park by identifying residential in-fill opportunities that will offer a variety of housing types.

“The Strategy promotes efficient use of commercial, light and general industrial zoned land through development of vacant and underutilised land, and it supports economic growth by designating sufficient land for light and general industrial growth,” he said.

“It encourages further diversification of our competitive advantages in agriculture and tourism, and the protection of regional assets such as the airport and port facilities, our pristine natural and coastal environments and other landscape qualities.”

The Strategy can be viewed or downloaded from the City’s website at

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