Making their Mark
Past Event

An Array of Recycled Remnants
23 February – 4 April 2024 | Vancouver Arts Centre
MAKING THEIR MARK: An Array of Recycled Remnants presents textile work by Liza Stewart in the front gallery at the Vancouver Arts Centre.
“Rendered to capture and record some of the decay in my environment, both organic and inorganic some of the individual textile pieces have been re-assembled into flights of fancy that may hang, dance, drape, slump or gently continue to decompose.”
Working with a variety of methods, including botanical dyeing, dyeing with natural dyes, mono-printing from linocuts, rusting and mulching; Liza’s main interest has been the resulting mark making on cloth or paper, which though partly controllable still has the magic of the unexpected, encouraging further experiment.
Open at the Vancouver Art Centre from Friday 23 February – Thursday 4 April 2024.
Gallery open 10am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.