Albany NAIDOC Celebration Kinjarling/Kincinninup
Past Event
Albany residents and visitors are invited to celebrate NAIDOC Week 2023: For Our Elders to honour the contribution that local Aboriginal Elders have made to our community.
This event brings together the Albany community and features
- Art sale from a number of local Aboriginal artists
- Aboriginal student art display
- Local Elder photography project display
- Local Aboriginal owned business showcase
Talks, Music & Films
- Live music from Aboriginal musicians
- Elders yarns
- Guest Speakers - history of NAIDOC week | repatriation project
- Ngallak Koort Boodja canvas viewing & talk
- “Noongar Boodja” film screening
- "No Longer a Wandering Spirit" Bessie Flowers film screening
- “The most important thing I learned from an Elder” local documentary screening
- Refreshments for Elders will be provided
- Sausage sizzle outside to raise funds for Kinjarling Basketball teams for other attendees