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Rates Explained

Rates are calculated by multiplying a rate in the dollar by your property valuation, subject to the minimum payment.  Your valuation is supplied by the WA State Government department Landgate.

Council sets the rate in the dollar as part of each year’s budget process. It is based on the City’s expenditure requirements, both operating and capital, offset by other forms of income such as government grants and fees for service.

In addition to the rates amount, your notice will include other charges such as the State Government's Emergency Service Levy, residential waste collection and the waste facilities maintenance rate.

If you have any queries regarding the charges on your rate notice, please contact our Rates Department on (08) 6820 3100.

How is the valuation calculated?

Your property will be rated as one of two rating methods:

Unimproved Value (UV) is used for primary producers whose main source of income is derived from the land, with activities such as farming and horticulture. This valuation is based on the unimproved capital value of the land.

Gross Rental Value (GRV) is used for residential, commercial, industrial and vacant properties. On improved properties, the GRV represents the gross annual rental that a property might reasonably be expected to earn annually if it were rented, including rates, taxes, insurance and other outgoings. Many factors are taken into consideration when assessing the valuation, such as location, age of the premises and size of the improvements. For non-residential properties, GST is also included.The GRV is calculated for all rateable properties regardless of whether the property is being rented or owner occupied. For land that is undeveloped, a statutory valuation of 3 per cent of the unimproved value is applied for residential properties and 5% for non-residential.

Landgate revalues GRV rated properties every 3-6 years and UV rated properties every year.

For further information on valuations, visit the Landgate website.

What if I disagree with the valuation for my property?

Your valuation (GRV or UV) is one factor used to calculate your rates notice. The Valuation of Land Act 1978 (as amended) Part IV sets out how valuation objections may be lodged. A property owner may lodge an objection against the value of a property within 60 days of the date of issue of the rates notice. 

For further information on how your values are calculated and how to lodge an objection, please visit Landgate's website Lodging an Objection.

Section 6.81 of the Local Government Act 1995 refers that rates assessments are required to be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether an objection or appeal has been lodged.  In the event of a successful objection or appeal, the rates will be adjusted and you will be advised accordingly.

What is the Emergency Services Levy?

The Emergency Services Levy was established by the State Government in 2003 to support emergency services such as the State Emergency Service and volunteer fire and rescue services. It is collected by the City on behalf of the Department of Fire and Emergency Services and based on your property valuation. Properties outside the area serviced by the Albany Fire Brigade pay the minimum fee. For further information, visit the DFES website.

What is the waste charge and what service is provided?

The City of Albany provides rubbish, recycling and green waste kerbside collection services to all residential properties within the urban collection area. This service is identified as 'residential waste charge' on your rates notice. Ratepayers receive an annual waste pass for general waste and green waste with their rate notices, as well as a bulk collection for green waste every year and a hard waste collection every two years.

Additional bin collections are available for residential properties. Ratepayers can have up to two additional bin collections per full service but only a maximum of one bin type (ie you can have one additional waste and one additional recycling, but not two additional waste). Requests must be made in writing by the landowner to the City’s Rates Department (our email is [email protected]).  The additional fee will be charged on the rates account.  If you require more than two additional bins, please contact our Rates Department to discuss your options.

Properties in the non-collection area that have a dwelling are provided with a rural waste pass.

The City of Albany does not collect waste from commercial properties.

For further information on waste, please visit our waste collection page Click here.

What is the Waste Facilities Maintenance Rate?

The purpose of this rate is to provide funding for waste management into the future. In particular, it is for the establishment of new waste facilities and rehabilitation of the old sites. All properties within the City of Albany pay this rate and the money is held in the Waste Management Reserve Fund.

What is the rates minimum payment?

Council sets a rates minimum payment amount to ensure that all ratepayers contribute an equitable amount for City services.

If the calculation of valuation multiplied by the rate in the dollar is less than the minimum amount, then the minimum will be applied.  If the valuation multiplied by the rate in the dollar is more than the minimum, then the higher amount is payable.

How are my rates spent?

Your rates contribute towards the upkeep and maintenance of the City’s infrastructure, including roads, paths, parks, playgrounds, beaches and sports grounds and pavilions.  We also provide many services such as the leisure and aquatic centre, library, Vancouver Art Centre, airport, ranger services and comprehensive arts and events programs.

City of Albany Rates Flyer

2019/2020 Rates Flyer

2020/2021 Rates Flyer  

2021/2022 Rates Flyer 

2022/2023 Rates Flyer

2023/2024 Rates Flyer

2024/2025 Rates Flyer

How do I notify a change of address?

Property owners have an obligation to ensure that the City has the correct contact information.

If you have changed any of your contact information, such as residential or postal address, email or phone number, please notify the City as soon as possible.

Click here to access our online change of address form

Email your new contact details to [email protected]

Phone a Rates Officer on (08) 6820 3100

Write to the City at PO Box 484, Albany DC WA 6331

I have sold or purchased a property, what do I need to do with the City?

If you are selling or buying a property, you should confirm with your settlement agent or solicitor that they will advise the City of the new owner’s contact information, date of sale and do the rates adjustments.

If you are now the owner of a property and have not used a settlement agent or solicitor, you should provide a copy of the Certificate of Title with your new mailing address to our Rates Department so that our records can be updated.

If you own other property within the City and your postal address has changed, please complete the online Change of Address form located here.

What happens to my rates if I build a new house or shed or subdivide my property?

When there are changes to your property that affect your valuation, the City receives a new valuation and effective date from Landgate. The City will then issue an amended (interim) rate notice. Generally new valuations are received 3-4 months after the building completion or subdivision approval.

Examples of where your valuation will be amended include:

  • A new dwelling or shed
  • Dwelling alterations or additional rooms constructed
  • A building has been demolished
  • Your property has been subdivided or amalgamated

What is the Swimming Pool & Spa Fee?

The City is required to adhere to certain legislative requirements to conduct periodic inspections of swimming pool and spa regulations and charge a fee on each property's rates notice per financial year. The fee is the cost to the City of Albany for carrying out the inspections every four years. 

Why am I being charged an annual fee when the inspection is carried out every four years?

As inspections are completed every four years, the cost is spread annually over the four year period. 

What if my swimming pool and/or spa is not being used?

You will need to contact the Building Team to assist you with decommissioning your swimming pool and/or spa.