City of Albany Corporate Logo Usage Guidelines
The Aim of this Guide
These guidelines are designed to provide clear and concise instructions on the appropriate use of our corporate logo, ensuring consistency and professionalism across various platforms.
These guidelines will assist you in maintaining the integrity of our logo, whether it is featured on posters, advertisements, websites, or other promotional materials.
Below you will find copies of the logo available for download.
Versions Available
The City of Albany corporate logo is available for external use in three versions: full color, black, and white.
Under specific circumstances, alternative colors and / or a landscape version may be considered. Requests for such deviations should be directed to our Communications team at [email protected]
Logo files are available in an EPS or PNG format.
EPS files are the preferred format used by designers and printers who use professional standard graphics software. These files may not open on computers which do not have compatible software. If you require an EPS version of the logo, please email our Communications team at [email protected].
PNG is suitable for web graphics, social media images, and other digital applications, and can be downloaded below.
Downloading the Logo
(Select Image to begin download of png file)
Minimum Size
The minimum size for the reproduction of the City of Albany logo is 18mm wide, and the size of the logo should always be large enough for the words ‘CITY OF’ to be legible.
Exclusion Zone
An isolation zone has been established to ensure that the dignity of the design is not jeopardised through crowding. This means that there is a minimum space around the logo that must not be breached by other logos, text or images.
This zone is defined as ‘x’ and is based upon the distance of a lower case letter (x height) in the word Albany (see diagram below).
A Few Don’ts
By downloading the City of Albany corporate logo, users agree that they will not:
- Alter or distort the logo, apart from proportional resizing;
- Combine or overlay the logo with other images;
- Use the logo in contexts detrimental to the City of Albany;
- Recreate the logo using different fonts;
- Use the words ‘City of Albany’ on its own without the symbol, or use the symbol on its own without the text;
- Add a suffic to the logo;
- Transfer the logo to third parties unless the usage conditions are attached (this document).

Once the City of Albany corporate logo has been positioned on any print collateral, it is imperative to seek approval for the logo placement from the Communications team.
For logo placement approval, please contact the Communications team at: [email protected].
Need Help?
The City of Albany’s Communications team are always happy to provide assistance and ensure that the City logo is used properly. If you have any questions, please contact us at:
[email protected]
We appreciate your dedication to showcasing the City of Albany in the best possible light. By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to a cohesive and impactful representation of our brand.