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Quotes & Tenders

The Local Government Act 1995 and Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 govern how the City of Albany undertakes its purchases. The legislation provides a guide to officers' decision-making to ensure that purchases are equitable and transparent to suppliers of goods and services, and that the City receives best value for money.

Contact us

If you require any further information about working with the City of Albany as a supplier, please contact the Procurement team via telephone (08) 6820 3232 or email

Current Tenders (works valued over $250,000 exc GST)

All current Tenders for works valued over $250,000 (exc GST), pre-qualified supplier panels and expression of interests are advertised on the City of Albany's VendorPanel tender portal.

Registration with VendorPanel is free for suppliers and is a platform widely used by many organisations across the Country, including WALGA (WA Local Government Association).

View Current Tenders

Register Your Business on VendorPanel

Major Quotes (works valued between $50,001 and $250,000 exc GST)

The City of Albany uses the procurement platform, VendorPanel, to distribute Request for Quotation documents to suppliers, receive responses and award contracts.

Major Quotations are invited for works with an estimated value between $50,001 and $250,000 (exc GST), or for Panels for ongoing services such as Survey Services, Painting Services and Drainage Installation Works.

To have your business included on VenorPanel Marketplace, register today. When opportunities arise that fit with your business categories, you can be invited to submit a response.

Registration with VendorPanel is free for suppliers and is a platform widely used by many organisations across the Country, including WALGA (WA Local Government Association).

Register Your Business on VendorPanel

Unless otherwise agreed, the City of Albany's General Conditions for the Supply of Goods and the Provision of General Services Apply to all Purchase Orders and Contracts.

General Conditions of Contract - Goods & Services