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Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group

The City of Albany has recently launched its newly endorsed Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) and is seeking community representation on the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group (RWG).

This newly formed Group will support the City by contributing toward reconciliation practises, providing input to the City’s RAP and monitoring its progress and reporting functions. Membership will include both Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders as well as non-Aboriginal people.

• CoA RAP Champion
• Executive Director Community Services
• Manager Community Relations (Co-Project lead)
• Coordinator Community Development (Co-Project Lead)
• People & Culture staff representative
• Staff representative
• Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander staff member
• Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander staff member
• Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander staff member
• Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander community member
• Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander community member
• Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander community member

Those with a diverse range of skills, experience, backgrounds, interests and perspectives are encouraged to apply with the intention to achieve representation which is inclusive of our community.

Should more applications be received than places are available, the City of Albany will convene a Selection Panel to assess applicants against the following criteria:
• Relevant background experience representing a community group/organisation or advocating within the community;
• Achieving representation from a range of age groups;
• A balance of background skills, experiences, interests, perspectives; and
• Representation of different families, including apical ties to Albany.

The Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group will meet on a quarterly basis or as required during 2025, and each appointed member will commit to the term of the Reflect RAP (approximately 12 months), with the possibility of extension. The first meeting is scheduled for 26 March 2025.

Involvement on the Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group is considered voluntary.

Applicants are asked to complete the following information with as much detail as possible.

All expressions of Interest from community members must be returned by 5pm on Monday 17 February 2025.

For further information, please contact Elise van Gorp, Manager Community Relations, City of Albany, 102 North Road, Yakamia WA 6339 ([email protected])

I understand that involvement on the Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group is voluntary:
I can commit to meeting with the Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group on a quarterly basis.