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Paralympian Priya Cooper and Labor Member for Albany Rebecca Stephens with 2023 Senior Community Citizen of the year Robert Rees 


Community Citizen of the Year 2024

On January 26 2024, Albany will host the Community Citizenship Awards, celebrating our local everyday heroes who perform simple acts of kindness, courage, love and support within Albany for the greater good of the City. 

The Community Citizen of the Year Awards recognises people and groups who make outstanding contributions to their community. They may be involved in fundraising and volunteering within education, health, business, sport, arts, the environment, social inclusion or any other area to the benefit and well-being of the community.

Winners will be announced at the City's Australia Day Ceremony on Friday, 26 January 2024, at Binalup / Middleton Beach. 

The ceremony will be held in a marquee adjacent to the Albany Surf Lifesaving Club, commencing at 9:15 am.

All are welcome to attend the event. 

If you have any questions or queries about the awards, please get in touch with the Community Development Team on 6820 3023 or email: [email protected] 

Annette Knight Community Leadership Medal

The late Annette Knight AM, was a passionate community leader.

In addition to being Mayor of the Town of Albany 1988-1997, Annette was also a WA Tourism Commission Commissioner, 1998 Constitutional Convention Delegate, recipient of the Centenary Medal and was awarded Freeman of the City of Albany in 2012.

The Annette Knight Community Leadership Medal aims to recognise an Albany resident who demonstrates outstanding community leadership and ambassadorial qualities within a volunteer capacity.

The winner of the Annette Knight Community Leadership Medal will be awarded at the City of Albany Australia Day Ceremony, held as part of the Binalup Festival on 26 January each year.

Selection Guidelines

Nominees will be assessed based on how they have: 

  • Demonstrated outstanding leadership through a volunteer position.
  • Demonstrated hands-on approach to their community work;
  • Demonstrated compassionate and unselfish support for one or more community and/or charitable organisations;
  • Demonstrated ambassadorial qualities through a volunteer role.

Eligibility Criteria

  • A person must be nominated by another person to be considered for the award. Self-nominations are not accepted. 
  • The nomination should relate to their leadership within a volunteer, unpaid capacity.
  • One nomination is sufficient; multiple nominations will not strengthen an individual’s chances of selection. 
  • Nominees must be residents of the City of Albany.
  • Unsuccessful nominees/finalists may be nominated in future years. 
  • Sitting members of State, Federal, and Local Government are not eligible. 
  • Nominations must be received by the closing date each year to be considered.
  • Additional information can be requested by the selection committee if they deem it is required.

Nominations for the awards will open on Monday 2 September 2024, and close on Thursday, 31 October 2024.

Nominations can be submitted via the online form below OR by downloading the form and emailing to [email protected].

Hard copies of the form are available upon request or to download below:

Annette Knight Community Leadership Medal Nomination Form

If you have any questions or queries in relation to the awards, please contact the Community Development Team on 6820 3023 or email: [email protected] 

Please attach any relevant documents or materials that support this nomination, such as letters of recommendation, news articles, or photos – maximum five A4 pages, minimum font size 10 point.

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Note: Incomplete forms are kept for a period of 2 day(s), after this time the system will automatically delete your response.

Nominee Details

Nominator Details

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Reason for Nomination


Please provide the name, and contact details of anyone who may be able to provide additional information to support the nomination.

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Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony

Albany will welcome our new citizens at an Australian citizenship ceremony on Australia Day 2024.

Australia Day provides an occasion for individuals, schools, community groups and organisations to reflect on the values of Australian citizenship and the contributions of citizens to our local communities.

The ceremony will be held in a marquee adjacent to the Albany Surf Lifesaving Club at Binalup / Middleton Beach, commencing at 9:15 am on Friday, 26 January, following the presentations of the Australia Day Community Citizenship Awards and Annette Knight Community Leadership Medal. 

All are welcome to attend the event.