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Committee Meeting - Community and Corporate Services - 12 May 2020

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 - 06:00 PM

All Committee Meetings commence at 6.00pm.

In response to advice regarding COVID-19, please be advised that until further notice, all Ordinary Council Meetings, Special Council Meetings and Council Committee Meetings will take place via the Zoom Video Conferencing platform.  

Members of the public that wish to join these meetings online (through Zoom) must register prior to the day of the meeting using this link:

We appreciate your patience and understanding while we adapt to this new way of servicing our community. Please check our website for any updates to meeting dates and times

Asking Questions

The City of Albany Standing Orders Local Law 2014 (Amended) provides an opportunity for the public to ask questions or address Council at Council Meetings.  To ensure an equal and fair opportunity is provided to everyone wishing to address Council, a maximum period of four minutes per speaker is allocated.

Members of the public that wish to ask Council a question must submit their question via email to [email protected]  prior to the day of the meeting. Questions asked during Public Question Time without prior notice may need to be taken on notice if a response cannot be provided at the time of the meeting.

To Register for Public Question Time

  • Answer ‘yes’ to the “Do you wish to address Council?” when you register for the meeting using this link:
  • Join the meeting using Zoom where you’ll be able hear and see the meeting but your microphone will be ’muted’.
  • During Public Question Time you will be ‘unmuted’ and asked to commence your address to Council.
  • At the end of your address you will be ‘muted’ again.
  • Once Public Question Time has been declared Closed by the Mayor, members of the public can take no further part in the meeting. You are welcome to continue as an observer/listener to the remainder of the meeting.

Using Zoom

For further information on using Zoom;